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Art. 37 D.lgs 81/2008 e Accordo Stato-Regioni 21/12/2011

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Obiettivi e vantaggi

The course aims at providing all workers with the general training that is inherent to health and safety in workplaces as stated in the European regulations. It also aims at providing a major perception of the risk in its work activities. This course is carried out as stated in section 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008 and in the Agreement Government-Regions of 21/12/2011 and 07/07/2016. The Italian current regulations establish the training for workers, that is articulated in two parts: Workers' General Training and Workers' Specific Training. This course is about general topics that concern health and safety in workplaces.


The workers' training covers these peculiarities:

risk and damage;
prevention and protection;
organization of prevention in the company;
rights, obligations and sanctions;
supervision, control and assistance authorities.
Workers' General Training Topics:

Perception of the risk
Organization of prevention in the company
Safety Individuals
Mothers' protection at work
Individual protection devices (DPI)
Supervision and sanctions
Information, Theoretical and Practical Training
The Philosophy of Legislative Decree n. 81 of 9 April 2008

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